PDF Terrorists Disrupt the Development of Education Sector to Create Uneducated Classes in Society

Terrorists of political extremist are making nefarious means to disrupt education sector from all sides:  

  • On 27 July, PDF terrorists set fire to the Basic Education Middle School in

Latpankone village of Pantanaw township of Ayeyarwady region and they, then, ran away. Due to the fire outbreak, paper documents, textbooks, one iron-cupboard, two wooden-cupboards and one swivel chair in the building comprising school office and library were destroyed in fire.

  • On 28 July while U Sai Min Latt of 38, the junior assistant teacher from the Palae Basic Education High School was at home located in Thittayar village of Palae township of Sagaing region,  PDF terrorists arrived at his home and shot the gun at and chop the knives at him, U Sai Min Latt got injured with gun and knife wounds.
  • An IED explosion took place in the township education office in Aung San ward of Nat Mouk township in Magway region, the window glasses of the school office were crashed.
  • Terrorists placed letters of threat on the street in front of  Ka Nyone Basic Education Primary School in Ka Nyone ward of Dawei township in Taninthayi region. Similarly, terrorists also placed letters of threat at the spot in front of the houses of U Kyi Tun of 50 and Daw Ni Ni Sint in Hein Dar village of Dawei township. Furthermore, letters of threat were placed on the doormat of the door of school office in the Basic Education Sub-High School of Taung Thar township of Mandalay region.
  • A PDF terrorist rang Daw Wah Wah Shwe of 40, senior assistant teacher living in the area of No(2) Basci Education High School in Kalaw township of Shan state (south) and extorted money from her.
  • On 30 July, terrorists placed a threatening letter at the door of the headmistress’s office in the Basic Education Sub-Middle School of Kywae Tae  (Ywa Ma) in Pakokku township of Magway region.
  • When Daw Khin Mar Naing of 38, primary assistant teacher of Thayet Kan Basic Education Primary School of Kamma town in Pakokku township, returned back to her home from school, terrorists shot at her and ran away. Daw Khin Mar Naing got gunshot wounds.

According to the provisions of Geneva Conventions and the international law, terrorists’ intentional attacks against non-military targets of schools and non-combatant targets of teachers and students constitute war crimes. With the intention to create uneducated classes in society, the NUG’s affiliate PDF terrorists are attacking and destroying educational infrastructures and schools from all sides. Furthermore, they are continuously making various acts of terrorism, such as abductions, murders, intimidations and coercions of innocent civilians as well as civil servants. As a result, parents express disgust at and oppose terrorists as children’s rights to education were being destroyed by terrorists’ acts. 

It is reported that terrorists made 140 times of arson attacks, 401 times of bombing attacks and 87 times of violence of threat against education staff, leaving 14 male teachers and 18 female teachers as well as six education staff got injured, and 17 male teachers and 17 female teachers as well as three education staff were brutally killed.

Security personnel are doing required investigations to find and apprehend those terrorists involved in the afore-mentioned threats and to take legal action against them. The public was urged to oppose PDF terrorist groups who committed nefarious acts and to help provide the information about terrorists’ movements to concerned administration bodies, it is reported.  

Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (1.8.2022)

  • PDF terrorists set fire to the Basic Education Middle School in Latpankone village of Pantanaw township of Ayeyarwady region and they, then, ran away. Due to the fire outbreak, paper documents, textbooks, one iron-cupboard, two wooden-cupboards and one swivel chair in the building comprising school office and library were destroyed in fire.
  • With the intention to create uneducated classes in society, PDF terrorists wantonly killed education staff.
  • Since an IED explosion took place in the township education office in Aung San ward of Nat Mouk township in Magway region, the window glasses of the school office were crashed.
  • A PDF terrorist rang Daw Wah Wah Shwe of 40, senior assistant teacher living in the area of No(2) Basci Education High School in Kalaw township of Shan state (south) and extorted money from her.
Tuesday, August 2, 2022 - 08:45
August, 2022