PDF Terrorists Use Violent Means to Disrupt the Development of the Education Sector

With heinous intentions to lose children’s rights to education; make teachers, pupils and parents frightened; and create uneducated classes in society, the NUG and its affiliate terrorists upholding extreme political dogma, are using various violent means to disrupt the development of the education sector by writing threat of words at schools, sending threatening letters to teachers and making bomb as well as arson attacks on educational buildings.

  • On 17 July, together with a round of ammunition each, PDF terrorists placed each of threat of letters near each of seven school teachers’ homes in the Htaukkyant village of Kale township in Sagaing region and work at the Basic Education High School of the village. In the letter, the teachers were   warned by terrorists, “To join the CDM activity. Not to return to schools for   employment. If you continue with your attendance at school, you will be completely eliminated, so take this as your final warning.”
  • Moreover, with the intentions to disrupt the attendance of teachers and students at the schools, terrorists wrote words of opposition and threat at the Basic Education High School in the Kaung Ka Htaung ward of Putao town in Kachin state and No (2) Basic Education High School in the Kyauk Myaung Ashae ward of Tarmwe township in Yangon region.
  • On 18 July, an IED exploded in the area of the Basic Education High School of Aungmyethazan township in Mandalay region. Due to the bomb blast, Phyo Thet Paing Khant of 23 passing along the street in front of the school got injured with shrapnel wounds and moreover, two side glass windows of a ‘Hi Jet’ vehicle parking in the area of the school and two windows of the school building were smashed.

It is reported that security personnel are doing required investigations to find and apprehend the terrorists responsible for the afore-mentioned threats and to take legal proceedings against them.

Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (20.7.2022)

  • Together with a round of ammunition each, PDF terrorists placed each of threat of letters near each of seven school teachers’ homes in the Htaukkyant village of Kale township in Sagaing region and work at the Basic Education High School of the village. In the letter, the teachers were warned by terrorists, “To join the CDM activity. Not to return to schools for employment. If you continue with your attendance at school, you will be completely eliminated, so take this as your final warning.”
  • PDF terrorists wrote words of opposition and threat at the Basic Education High School in Putao town of Kachin state and No (2) Basic Education High School in Tarmwe township of Yangon region.
  • Due to the IED blast in the area of the Basic Education High School of Aungmyethazan township, a male passing along the street in front of the school got injured with shrapnel wounds.
Wednesday, July 20, 2022 - 16:30
July, 2022