An Explosion Takes Place in an Attempt to Set up IEDs for Purposes of Terrorism

On 26 June, an explosion took place in the room (402) of No (16) building on A (10) street of Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) township. When security force members arrived there to make further investigations, Kaung Thant of 18 who ran along the A (10) street and Aung Aung of 24 were arrested. Of these two, Kaung Thant, who lives in the Myaseinyoung ward of Htantabin township, was found laceration in his left and right hands, and Aung Aung, who lives in the Nwe Aye ward of Dawbon township, with wounds in his face, chest, shoulders, left hand and leg.

According to the confessions of arrested terrorists, it was reported that the explosion took place while Kyaw Swar together with them were setting up IEDs in the room for the purposes of terrorism leaving Kyaw Swar dead and two of them were injured. When security force members inspected the room, they found Kyaw Swar dead with shrapnel wounds all over the body. Furthermore, security force members also found an unexploded IED made with PVC pipe, connecting with a keypad phone and two dry cell batteries, and they deactivated and seized it.

Terrorists upholding the extreme dogma did short-course trainings for setting up and planting IEDs in EAOs area and via online applications and websites. Since the terrorists do not have sufficient skills on IEDs, frequent explosions have occurred during their attempts to set up IEDs claiming their lives. It is found out that 45 terrorists were killed and 36 were injured so far in IED explosions.

The two arrested terrorists were transported to the public hospital in the North Okkalapa township for medical treatment. Security force members are also taking necessary measures to identify and arrest other associates involved in the accident and take legal action against them.

  • An explosion took place in the apartment room of Dagon Myothit (Seikkan) township while three terrorists were setting up IEDs for the purposes of terrorism, leaving one terrorist dead and other two injured.
  • Frequent explosions have occurred during the terrorists attempt to set up IEDs claiming their lives. It is found out that IED explosions have claimed the lives of 45 terrorists and left 36 injured as of today.
Tuesday, June 28, 2022 - 17:45
June, 2022