SAC Information Team Holds 16th Press Conference

The 16th press conference of the State Administration Council’s Information Team was held at the Ministry of Information on 16 June in Nay Pyi Taw. At the press conference, Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun, the SAC Information Team Leader explained as follows:

  • The situation of accepting the people from various armed groups, including the so-called PDF group, who want to enter the legal framework as per rules and regulations.
  • The State Administration Council Government is emphasizing the current peace process by setting procedural steps.
  • Upon the proposal of the SAC Chairman Prime Minister for the peace talks, discussions with each ethnic armed organization-EAO, plans for further talks and the EAOs that have not yet reached the peace talks were again invited as the previous invitations.
  • He also clarified that the notice has been sent to education personnel, who have been involved in the CDM movement due to the incitements of politicians, to resume their teaching duties after submitting an appeal at their own will to the school where they were assigned and the township education office.
  • He also presented the terrorists’ acts of terrorism and attacks against teachers and education staff as well as school buildings in 2022-2023 academic year using video clips and PowerPoint presentation.

Those present at the press conference included members of the SAC Information Team, representatives from various ministries, officials from the Tatmadaw True News Information Team, invited persons, local media, reporters from daily newspapers, local television sta- tions, and foreign media based in the country.

  • People from various armed groups, including the so-called PDF group, who want to enter the legal framework are being accepted as per rules and regulations.
  • Notice has been sent to education personnel, who have been involved in the CDM movement due to the incitements of politicians, to resume their teaching duties after submitting an appeal at their own will to the school where they were assigned and the township education office.
Friday, June 17, 2022 - 17:15
June, 2022