Anti-Corruption Law
The inspection team organized by the Anti-Corruption Commission inspected the complaints against Yangon Region former chief minister U Hla Soe and ex-economic affairs minister U Aung Than Oo as follows:
- As the former chief minister of Yangon Region U Hla Soe and ex-economic affairs minister U Aung Than Oo made the sales of the lands under the decision of the Yangon Region land management committee meeting, the country faced losses of over K38,000 million.
- Former chief minister of Yangon Region U Hla Soe took a bribe of K250 million in five tranches from ex-economic affairs minister U Aung Than Oo by misusing his power in permitting government land.
- Ex-economic affairs minister U Aung Than Oo also took a bribe of K500 million in six tranches at his house by misusing his power from a construction company owner in applying for the land plots.
- Ex-economic affairs minister U Aung Than Oo deposited the money to two accounts opened under his name at Myanmar Apex Bank (MAB) and kept the cheques in collecting more than K950 million from eight permitted persons for vacant and virgin lands, three persons for government lands and another person for Cooperate Social Responsibility (CSR). Such doings did not conform with the existing law, rules, regulations and procedures of public finance of the government and it caused losses to the State budget.
- Secretary U Soe Soe Zaw served as a government land management committee member and did not report about the declining land selling price than current prices in applying for land and setting land plots prices and he proposed to relocate the land by contacting the permitted land buyers directly and participated in activities that caused losses to the State budget.
- Secretary U Soe Soe Zaw proposed to the regional government for the application of more than 32 acres of land plots in Dagon Myothit (North) Township under a certain name of a retired person in August 2021, and helping to reduce the land prices and CRS payments, agreed to give 20 percent to him from the profits of land sale after getting the land grant. Such activities approved his attempts to take bribes by misusing his power.
According to findings, former chief minister of Yangon Region U Hla Soe and ex-economic affairs minister U Aung Than Oo were charged under Section 55 of the Anti-Corruption Law, while secretary U Soe Soe Zaw under Section 55/63 and Section 56 of the Anti-Corruption Law at respective police stations of Yangon Region on 14 June, according to the commission.
- Former chief minister of Yangon Region U Hla Soe and ex-economic affairs minister U Aung Than Oo were charged under the Anti-Corruption Law at respective police stations of Yangon Region for taking bribes in selling the government lands by misusing their powers leaving the State budget lost.
Thursday, June 16, 2022 - 17:30
June, 2022