Statements by Health Organizations on Acts of Terrorism against Health Workers


Daw Soe Soe Aye, a midwife working at the Chantha Sub-Rural Health Centre under the Kunohn Rural Health Centre in Ye-U township, and Daw Nwe Nwe Soe, a versatile midwife working at the Linyinkyay Sub-Rural Health Centre under the Sar Taung Rural Health Centre in Sagaing township of Sagaing region were brutally killed by terrorists on 26 April and 3 June respectively. Moreover, doctors, nurses, health supervisors, midwives and support staff were killed and severely injured in the brutal and inhumane killing by terrorists.

Respective health organizations released following statements describing that they strongly condemn the aforementioned acts of terrorism -

  • The Ministry of Health strongly condemns the terrorists and terrorist groups that have committed such atrocities that inflict deaths and serious injuries of the conscientious civil servants and health workers who are providing healthcare services to all national people.
  • Nurse and Midwife Council is greatly displeased with such brutal killings of nurses, midwives and health workers who are providing healthcare services to all national people and strongly condemns the terrorists who brutally kill the nurses and midwives.
  • The Myanmar Nurse and Midwife Association (Central) is greatly displeased along with the bereaved families for the assassination of health workers who pose as a cornerstone of the national development and ensuring people’s health and who are also serving as frontline strikers. And therefore, the Association strongly condemns any terrorist organization that brutally assassinated innocent health workers, midwives and their family members.

It is reported that the Government of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar is endeavouring to implement the peace and stability of the State, the socio-economic development of all citizens including health and fitness. In doing so, health workers are working for the citizens’ health in their respective areas of responsibility across the country.

  • Ministry of Health, Myanmar Nurse and Midwife Council and the Myanmar Nurse and Midwife Association released statements describing that they strongly condemn the assassination of the health workers by terrorists.
  • Health workers are serving their duties for the citizens’ health in their respective areas of responsibility across the country.




Thursday, June 9, 2022 - 17:15
June, 2022