Government’s Peace Talks Team Meets Delegation led by Vice-Chairman of United Wa State Party (UWSP)


The meeting between the government’s Peace Talks Team and the delegation led by the vice-chairman of the United Wa State Party (UWSP) was organized at the meeting hall of the National Solidarity and Peacemaking Negotiation Center in Nay Pyi Taw on 31 May.

During the meeting, Peace Talks Team Leader Lt-Gen Yar Pyae and vice-chairman of UWSP delivered greeting speeches and the participants discussed the matters related to peace and development of the State.

It is reported that the meeting was attended by State Administration Council Member Peace Talks Team Leader Lt-Gen Yar Pyae, Council Member Lt-Gen Moe Myint Tun, Lt-Gen Min Naung, vice-chairman of the United Wa State Party (UWSP) U Lau Yaku, deputy head of the External Relations Division U Pauk Aik Kaw and In-charge of the Lashio Liaison Office of the External Relations Division U Nyi Yan. Moreover, the meeting will be continued on 1 June.

  • The meeting between the government’s Peace Talks Team and the delegation led by the vice-chairman of the United Wa State Party (UWSP) was organized on 31 May. Both sides discussed the matters related to peace and development of the State.



Wednesday, June 1, 2022 - 16:45
June, 2022