Plans are Underway to Allow 20,000 Teachers to Attend B.Ed Coruse Every Year


The Ministry for Education has taken necessary measures for the students to study peacefullywhen the schools open on 2 June. Inthepast, only about 3,000 teachers at workplaces were allowed to attend B.Ed course per year.At present, up to20,000 teachers in the workplace are allowed to attend B.Ed course every year.

Teachers with sympathy, hobby and sacrifice need to nurture and educate the new generation students to become educated andgood people. Only then will the abundance of educated people raise the national level. Teachers must always studytoimprovetheirskills.As it is the time of transition to the new education system, this academic year is the last year of the old system, it is reported that those who failed the exam and those who missed chances to take the matriculation examination for 2021-2022 academic year can take the exam again this year.

  • In the past, only about 3,000 teachers at workplaces were allowed to attend B.Ed course per year. At present, up to 20,000 teachers in the workplace are allowed to attend B.Ed course every year.
  • As it is the time of transition to the new education system and this year is the last academic year of the old system, it is reported that those who failed the exam and those who missed chances to take the matriculation examination for 2021-2022 academic year can take the exam again this year.


Monday, May 30, 2022 - 16:45
May, 2022