Around 500,000 Visses of Fishery Products from Shwe Padauk Fish Market Flow Daily to Yangon and across the Country

The Shwe Padauk fish market in Yangon is an 8.122 acre market which has 444 market stalls and 120 smaller stalls in random order, and distributes and sells retail/wholesale of fishery products to the mountainous area, border area and upper Myanmar.

It is reported that those who work in fishery and merchants become more beneficial as the sale of fishery products has now reached 5,000,000 Visses though around 25,000 Visses of fishery products were previously sold. Most freshwater products come mostly from Ayewady region and sea water products come mostly from Tanintharyi region. 

Around 500,000 Visses of fishery products from the Shwe Padauk fish market, which is the biggest one for buying/selling fishery products such as fish/shrimp in Myanmar, were distributed and sold daily to different townships in Yangon region and across the country.  

  •  Around 500,000 Visses of fishery products from the Shwe Padauk fish market, which is the biggest one for buying/selling fishery products such as fish/shrimp in Myanmar, were distributed and sold daily to different townships in Yangon region and across the country.