On 28 April while two passenger buses running Yangon-Myeik-Dawei were leaving Yangon for Dawei, a PDF terrorist group shot at the buses after carrying out a mine attack. During the PDFs’ attack, three male passengers were killed with serious wounds whereas other 22 males and six females were injured.
PDF terrorists are committing violence acts on non-military targets such as reckless shootings at passenger buses in addition to abductions and brutal killings of innocent civilians. As such doings inflict heavy casualties on the innocent travelers, people are denouncing terrorists’ acts.
Opposition media are broadcasting disinformation as if security forces did such doings. However, in reality PDF terrorists made such attacks, according to the injured passengers and the ground truth information.
It is reported that dead/injured passengers were transported to Pulaw Public Hospital and security forces are pursuing necessary tasks to identify and arrest the terrorists who shot at passenger buses after carrying out bomb attack.
- As a PDF terrorist group shot at the buses after carrying out a mine attack, three male passengers were killed with serious wounds whereas other 22 males and six females were injured in the PDFs’ attack.