Union Minister U Aung Than Oo Inspects Projects of Kyaukphyu Power Plant and Thahtay Hydropower in Rakhine State

The Union Minister for Electricity and Energy U Aung Than Oo inspected 45 Mega Watt and 150 Mega Watt LNG to Power Stations running currently in Kyauk Phyu townships and the current new project of 135 Mega Watt Gas and Combine Cycle Power Plant implementing for the growth of generating power in upcoming year on 19 March and officials from the projects presented the Union Minister about the power generating and project.

In response to the reports, the Union Minister highlighted the following points:

  • Although a 150 Mega Watt LNG to Power station was continued to generate power, the price of LNG was so high. Therefore, coordination efforts were made to receive more 30 million cubic feet in addition to the existing gas allotments that could generate 150 Mega Watt of power.
  • While the works for extension of the pipeline infrastructures to receive 50 million cubic feet per day, the power plant was transformed into gas turbine power plant from LNG to Power plant since 10 February and distributed 50 Mega of power has been generated from the plant.
  • As efforts are being made to finish 135 Mega Watt Gas and Combine Cycle Power Plant, it is required to accomplish the project works with the designated period.

The Union Minister for Electricity and Energy inspected Tha Htay Hydropower project on 20 March, at a distance of 12 miles from the North Eastern part of Thandwe Town in Thandwe district. Then, the Union Minister said the needs of safety in workplace, standardization of work equipment, systematic use of machineries installed in the project and undertaking the tasks without any waste.

Tha Htay Hydropower project is being implemented on the Tha Htay creek near Thandwe town to build 110 Mega Watt power plant installing three 37 Mega Watt power plants, which will generate average power of 386 million kilowatt hour and distribute for the areas in Rakhine state and connect with national grid.

Ministry of Electricity and Energy are making efforts to generate a total of 225 Mega Watt of power: 195 Mega Watt of power by using gas from Shwe Natural Gas Project and 30 Mega Watt of power by using gas from inland. Then, negotiation is being carried out to buy 120 Mega Watt of Power which will be generated from Tapain (1) Hydropower project and to distribute the power more by connecting with national grid. It is reported that attempts are being made to repair 19 electricity pylons destroyed in bomb attacks for distributing 170 Mega Watt of power which will be generated from Belu Chaung power plants and more power can be distributed if the repair works are done.  

Source:Myawady Daily Newspaper (18-3-2022)

  • While the works for extension of the pipeline infrastructures to receive 50 million cubic feet per day, the power plant was transformed into gas turbine power plant from LNG to Power plant since 10 February and distributed 50 Mega of power has been generated from the plant.
  • Ministry of Electricity and Energy are making efforts to generate a total of 225 Mega Watt of power: 195 Mega Watt of power by using gas from Shwe Natural Gas Project and 30 Mega Watt of power by using gas from inland.
  • Attempts are being made to repair 19 electricity pylons destroyed in bomb attacks for distributing 170 Mega Watt of power which will be generated from Belu Chaung power plants.
  • Negotiation is being carried out to buy 120 Mega Watt of Power which will be generated from Tapain (1) Hydropower project and to distribute the power more by connecting with national grid.
  • Tha Htay Hydropower project is being implemented on the Tha Htay creek near Thandwe town to build 110 Mega Watt power plant installing three 37 Mega Watt power plants, which will generate average power of 386 million kilowatt hour and distribute for the areas in Rakhine state and connect with national grid.
Monday, March 21, 2022 - 19:00
March, 2022