The State Administration Council released a statement describing that the following individuals who violated the existing laws of the State and left the country illegally were found to be committing acts that could harm the interests of Myanmar and their citizenshipsare terminated.
Press Release
1. As the following individuals who violated the existing laws of the State and left the country illegally were found to be committing acts that could harm the interests of Myanmar, citizenship is terminated under Section 16 of the 1982 Myanmar Citizenship Law, according to the authority of the Central Body under Section 67 of the 1982 Myanmar Citizenship Law.
(a) Zaw Wai Soe (son of U Maung Lay)
(b) Yi Mon (a) Tin Thit (son of U Kyaw Swe)
(c) Lwin Ko Latt (son of U Hla Win)
(d) Zin Mar Aung (daughter of U Aung Kyi)
(e) Htin Lin Aung (son of U Thein Aung)
(f) Aung Myo Min (son of U Min Aung)
(g) EiThinzarMaung (daughter of U Toe ToeMaung)
(h) Dr. Sasa (son of U Ane Pi (a) Ae Bi)
(i) Min Ko Naing (a) Paw Oo Tun (son of U ThetNyunt)
(j) Myo Yan Naung Thein (son of U Mya Thein)
(k) EiPencilo (a) Eaint Poe Oo (daughter of U Kyaw Naing)
2. It is reported that similar perpetrators will be identified and prosecuted.
- As Zaw Wai Soe, Yi Mon, Lwin Ko Latt , Zin Mar Aung , Htin Lin Aung , Aung Myo Min, EiThinzarMaung, Dr Sasa, Min Ko Naing, Myo Yan Naung Thein and EiPencilo who violated the existing laws of the State and left the country illegally were found to be committing acts that could harm the interests of Myanmar, their citizenships are terminated.