COVID-19 Prevention, Control, and Treatment Activities Continue in Respective Regions and States

COVID-19 prevention, control and treatment activities such as opening quarantine centres and vaccinating people against COVID-19 continue in respective regions and states.

  • Up to 27 February, 23.57 million people in total have been vaccinated against COVID-19. About 20.91 million people have received two-time full doses of the vaccine and 2.66 million people have received the first doses. 45.23 million people in total have been inoculated against COVID-19 in Myanmar.
  • A total of 726,061 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 as booster doses in respective regions and states from 1 January to 27 February 2022.
  • Local people and Bengali people, who are taking shelter in Sin Tat Maw IDP camp of Pauk Taw township in Rakhine state, have been vaccinated against COVID-19 on 23 February.

The Ministry of Health is conducting COVID-19 tests regularly, 1,959 new cases of COVID-19 were found from testing a total of 20,727 samples and the infection rate was 9.45 percent on 27 February. Up to 27 February 2022, a total of 586,198 cases were found from testing a total of 7,100,472 samples and death toll reached 19,365.

  • Up to 27 February, 23.57 million people in total have been vaccinated against COVID-19. About 20.91 million people have received two-time full doses of the vaccine and 2.66 million people have received the first doses. 45.23 million people in total have been inoculated against COVID-19 in Myanmar.
  • A total of 726,061 people have been vaccinated against COVID-19 as booster doses in respective regions and states from 1 January to 27 February 2022.
  • Up to 27 February 2022, a total of 586,198 cases were found from testing a total of 7,100,472 samples and death toll reached 19,365. The infection rate on 27 February was 9.45 percent.
Monday, February 28, 2022 - 17:30
February, 2022