The opening ceremony of the Yar Maung Bridge on the Yangon-Sittway road in Minbya township of Rakhine state was organized on 5 February to mark the 75th Diamond Jubilee Union Day. The event was attended by State Administration Council Members Admiral Tin Aung San, Mahn Nyein Maung, Daw Aye Nu Sein, U Moung Har, Rakhine state Chief Minister, state ministers, departmental officials and locals.
The Steel Box Girder Type new Yar Maung Bridge worth of K12,000 million which was constructed in Minbya township of Mrauk-U district is 1,283.3 feet long. By using the new bridge, it can easily access from Yangon-Sittway to Minbya, MraukU, Kyauktaw, and from Ponnagyun to Sittway, Yathedaung, Buthidaung and Maungtaw townships. Moreover, the products can be exported easily through Maungtaw to Bangladesh. The trade flows will be more streamlined as Pauktaw and Myebon townships can be easily reached through Minbya. It can also develop economy, health and education status of the Rakhine state.
- The 1,283.3 feet long Steel Box Girder Type Yar Maung Bridge was opened on 5 February.
- By using the new Yar Maung Bridge, it can easily access the transportation as well as the trade flow can be more streamlined. Moreover, it can also develop economy, health and education status of the Rakhine state.