Ceremony of Handing Over the Sinovac COVID-19 Vaccines Donated by China to Myanmar Held

One million doses of COVID-19 vaccines donated by the People's Republic of China to Myanmar arrived at the Yangon International Airport by CZ 8083 Airlines on 22 December. The Union Minister for Health Dr Thet Khaing Win and Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Myanmar Mr Chen Hai attended the handover ceremony held at the VIP Lounge of Yangon International Airport.

At the ceremony, the Chinese ambassador explained the following points:

· One million doses of the Sinovac vaccine arrived on 22 December is the first batch out of two million doses of vaccine further donated by the People's Republic of China to Myanmar. Moreover, the remaining one million vaccines will be donated across the Sino-Myanmar border early next year.

·  After completion of the training programme for the Myanmar Center for Disease Control CDC and staff, it will be able to play an important role in research and staff training.

· The COVID-19 Medical Treatment Centre at the Muse 105th Mile Trade Centre was successfully opened with cooperation between China and Myanmar and, moreover, China and Myanmar will work together to eradicate epidemics in a friendly manner.

Afterwards, the Union Minister and the ambassador signed the record on the handover of vaccines and the Union Minister returned the certificate of appreciation.

It is reported that the officials from the Ministry of Health, representatives from the Embassy of the People's Republic of China to Myanmar, the officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the officials from Yangon Region Public Health and Medical Services Department also attended the event.

  • One million doses of the Sinovac vaccine arrived on 22 December is the first batch out of two million doses of vaccine further donated by the People's Republic of China to Myanmar.
  • After completion of the training programme for the Myanmar Center for Disease Control CDC and staff, it will be able to play an important role in research and staff training.
  • The COVID-19 Medical Treatment Centre at the Muse 105th Mile Trade Centre was successfully opened with cooperation between China and Myanmar.