The Perpetrators who Robbed Shwe Lwe Inn Microfinance Co.Ltd in Chanmyatharzi Township Arrested

An incident took place on 17 December 2021 in which four gunmen wearing uniforms and pretending as security forces members robbed about K3 billion from the Shwe Lwe Inn Microfinance Co.Ltd located in the Blue Diamond branch street and 73rd  street in Chanmyatharzi township of Mandalay region. They, then, put the robbed money into a white rice bag, drove off with a Toyota ESTIMA car.

As security forces made the timely investigations to uncover and capture the robbers,

  • Security forces found and confiscated the white-colored Estima car with the license plate of MDY/9C-4145 parking in the bushes in Ounginnkyu street of Chanmyatharzi township, the white rice bag containing K30 million in the car, three long  replica guns, two short replica guns, five black camouflage uniforms and four national emblem caps.
  • According to the investigation, it is observed that the vehicle was an unregistered vehicle owned by Thet paing Soe, 28, living in Aungmythazan township and he was captured along with K76 million, two vehicles and one motorcycle at the Tatma oil field located in Kyaukpadaung township.
  • According to the accounts of perpetrator Thet Paing Soe, it was found out that he led the robbery of the Shwe Lwe Inn Microfinance Co.Ltd and Thant Zin, Myo Ko Ko Win (aka) Kalar, Than Zaw Tun (aka) Lin Lin Ko and Zin Myo Oo (aka) Thar Gyi were involved in the robbery.
  • Thant Zin, 28, and Myo Ko Ko Win, 19, were arrested along with two motorcycles and two land plots purchased with K4.5 million at their respective homes in Sagaing township.
  • Than Zaw Tun (aka) Lin Lin Ko, 32, was arrested along with K10 million in cash in Thaton township of Mon state.
  • Zin Myo Oo, 32, was arrested along with K1.4 million, one vehicle and one motorcycle used in the crime in Pyinpin village of Singu township.
  • In the incident, security forces managed to arrest five perpetrators and seize a total of K178.1 million including K30 million found in the car parking in Ounginnkyu street; K87.4 million seized from perpetrators; about K5.4 million worth of three vehicles bought with robbed money; about K700,000 worth of two motorcycles; purchased land plots and other items worth K6 million.

It is reported that the perpetrators arrested in the above-mentioned incident committed the crime of robbery for their personal interests and needs of money, taking the advantage of the public panic caused by the so-called PDF terrorists’ ruthless bombings, assassinations and killings. It was observed that they committed the crime of robbery by pretending as security forces using bullet-proof vests, caps, batons, replica guns and replica walkie-talkies used by the latter with the intent to evoke public misunderstanding over the security forces.  

As the perpetrators of robbing Shwe Lwe Inn Co.Ltd were captured along with documents, money in cash, vehicles and land plots purchased, and other items, further efforts are being made take legal proceedings against the criminals under the law.


  • The perpetrators involved in the robbery of Shwe Lwe Inn Co.Ltd were captured along with K178 million.
  • The arrested perpetrators committed the crime of robbery for their personal interests and needs of money, taking the advantage of the public panic caused by the so-called PDF terrorists’ ruthless bombings, assassinations and killings.
Friday, January 14, 2022 - 21:15
January, 2022