Offenders from So-Called PDF Terrorist Group of Bago Arrested along with Weapons/Ammunition

           The government is conducting necessary investigations to prevent terrorist acts such as bombing attacks and assassinations on innocent civilians in order to frighten the people perpetrated by the terrorist groups so-called CRPH, NUG and PDF.

In such doing, according to the information-tips of conscientious people who want to live peacefully, Khant Lin Naing (aka) Ko Khant from Bago PDF who is committing terrorist acts in Bago township was arrested at 158th mile post of Yangon-Mandalay Expressway on 12 December. According to his confession, four members of terrorist were arrested along with one pistol, two magazines of it and 10 rounds of its bullet, one grenade, one homemade bomb, four packs of gunpowder and seven various kinds of mobile phone at Ward (6) of Bago city.

According to the confessions of the arrested offenders,

· Two terrorist members were arrested at Ward (1) of Ottha Myothit of Bago city and another terrorist member at No (2) Ward of Phayagyi township.

· On 13 December, one grenade, three TNTs, seven gunpowder packs and other explosives were confiscated at the house of a terrorist member (still at large) from Dawei Inn village of Bago township.

· On 14 December, the security forces arrested a terrorist member from Bago PDF group at Lalti village of Hinthada township, and two terrorist members near Thabangon village of Hinthada township.

· On 16 December, two AK-47 rifles, two magazines of it and 52 rounds of its bullet, and nine grenades were confiscated at the house of a terrorist member (still at large) located in Gway Tan Shay village of Bago township.

· On 18 December, three terrorist members were arrested along with three homemade gas guns, four homemade bombs, detonators, explosive materials and the items in using narcotic drugs at Margha street of Bago city, another two terrorist members in Bogon ward of Bago city, and three terrorist members along with one pistol, one of its magazine, one grenade and 62 rounds of .380 ammunition at Zawtikayon monastery in Myothit ward of Bago city.

According to the confessions of the arrested offenders and their interrogation results,

· A total of 10 terrorist offenders joined the explosive training at KNLA brigade (5) and (6) areas, and at TNLA brigade (7) area.

· Myo Ko (still at large) and Ye Htut (still at large) organized Bago PDF with 16 terrorist members on 26 June under the instruction of Zay Latt who is on the run, (a former representative of Amyotha Hluttaw from NLD party of Bago township) while Htet Lin Oo formed Hanthawady PDF with four terrorist members on 30 October.

· Under the instructions of suspects who are still at large Myo Ko and Ye Htut, ten offenders transported the explosives and weapons/ammunition hiding in gas cylinders, under the floor of the car and in the side door of their cars, and in paddy bags by passenger buses and private vehicles from Myawady township.

· An arrested offender and a suspect (still at large) bought one pistol and 50 rounds of .380 ammunitions which were seized, from an arrested offender (still at large), leader of so-called Phaya Thonesu PDF. Under the instructions of suspects who are still at large Myo Ko and Ye Htut, two offenders created homemade bombs and distributed them to so-called PDFs of Nyaunglebin, DaikU, Waw, Thanetpin and Kawa townships.

The nine bomb attacks committed by the arrested offenders in Bago township are as follows:

· Offender Wai Yan Lwin exploded Myawady Bank of Bago township on 14 March, and Hanthawady stadium on 4 May, and Bago municipal office in Hanthawady ward on 6 June.

· Offenders Wai Yan Lwin and Aung Pyae Khant threw homemade mines into Zay Pine Ward's township EPC and Hanthawady ward administrator office of Bago township on 4 July.

· Offenders Sithu Kyaw and Aung Nyi Nyi Thwin (still at large) also threw a homemade mine into the municipal office in Hanthawady ward of Bago township on 20 October.

· Offender Thiha Naung Naung (still at large) committed mine attack on the house of U Aung Htay, USDP member, in Punnasu ward of Bago township on 1 November, and on the Myoyogon vegetable market in the Punnagon ward of Bago on 24 November.

· Offender Ye Naung exploded homemade mine to Ward (2) administration office in Ottha Myothit of Bago township on 12 November.

Zay Latt who is on the run (a former representative of Amyotha Hluttaw from NLD party of Bago township) supported and instructed behind so-called PDF terrorists to commit assassinations on innocent civilians and bomb attacks to frighten the people in Bago township.

It can be seen that the terrorist groups CRPH, NUG and PDF are intentionally committing the vicious attacks on public areas such as banks, football stadiums, municipal offices, ward administrator offices and markets which are not related to security forces, in order to influence the entire people with fear.

The arrested offenders in the above-mentioned incident will be taken effective legal action under the law. The entire people are reportedly requested to prevent the acts of terrorism and secretly report information to the relevant authorities in order to arrest the related suspects at soonest. Moreover, the people who gave information of the suspects will be presented deservedly cash awards in secret and urged to work together for community peace and stability.

  • In the incident, a total of 19 offenders were arrested along with four small firearms, three homemade guns, five assorted magazines, 124 assorted bullets, 12 grenades, seven assorted homemade mines, three TNTs, 11 gunpowder packs and other explosives.
  • The arrested offenders committed nine terrorist bomb attacks in Bago township.
  •  Zay Latt who is on the run (a former representative of Amyotha Hluttaw from NLD party of Bago township) supported and instructed behind so-called PDF terrorists to commit assassinations on innocent civilians and bomb attacks to frighten the people in Bago township.