Relief Activities Carried out for Townships/Villages destroyed by Heavy Rain and Strong Wind, and Fo...
PDF Terrorists Arrested at Ayeyawady Bridge (Yadanabon) Checkpoint in Sagaing Town
Cash Awards and Certificates of Honours Provided to Security Personnel who Seize Weapons and Ammunit...
Myanmar Tatmadaw Team Participates in the 3rd CISM World Cadet Games in Russian Federation
Foodstuffs Provided to Members of Security Force, Myanmar Police Force, Local Militia and their Fami...
Presenting Cash Awards and Foodstuffs to Security Personnel Doing Local Security Duties
Foodstuffs and Commodities Provided to Locals Fleeing from Arson Attacks of PDF Terrorists
Relief and Rescue Tasks Carried out for Flood Victims in Yatsauk and Tachileik Townships
State Peace Talks Team and a Delegation led by Vice-Chairman of SSPP Hold Peace Talks
Chairman of the State Administration Council Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General M...