Union Minister for for Health Dr. Thet Khaing Win Receives Russian Trade Delegation in Myanmar

Union Minister for Health Dr Thet Khaing Win met a delegation led by Mr Vladimir Kazadaev, head of the Russian Trade Representative Office in Myanmar, at the Ministry of Health’s conference hall in Yangon on 18 September.

During the meeting, discussions centered on the provision of medical supplies and equipment from Russia in response to the recent flooding in Myanmar. As an agreement was signed for cooperation in cancer treatment between the Ministry of Health and the Napalkov Cancer Center in Saint Petersburg, Russia, they also discussed future collaborative efforts, including the establishment of local production of medicines and medical supplies in partnership with Russian pharmaceutical companies, as well as ensuring the availability of rapid diagnostic test kits at affordable prices in Myanmar. Further topics included obtaining FDA approval for Russian medicines in Myanmar and ongoing collaborations in healthcare between the two countries.

The deputy minister, Directors General and officials from both the ministry and the Russian Trade Office in Myanmar were also present at the meeting, it is reported.

Source: MWD (19-9-2024)

  • Union Minister for Health Dr Thet Khaing Win met a delegation led by Mr Vladimir Kazadaev, head of the Russian Trade Representative Office in Myanmar. During the meeting, discussions centered on the provision of medical supplies and equipment from Russia in response to the recent flooding in Myanmar. They also discussed future collaborative efforts, including the establishment of local production of medicines and medical supplies in partnership with Russian pharmaceutical companies, and ongoing collaborations in healthcare between the two countries.
Tuesday, September 24, 2024 - 12:00
September, 2024