Enumeration Process Underway for Population and Household Census 2024

Enumeration process will be conducted for Population and Household Census 2024 during the period on 1-15 October 2024. The meeting on enumeration process for Population and Household Census 2024 was held on 12 September at the city hall of Pathein, Ayeyarwady Region. The meeting was attended by Chairman of Central Census Commission Union Minister for Immigration and Population U Myint Kyaing, Chairman of Regional Supervisory Committee on Census U Tin Maung Win, members of Regional Committee, other members of Census Committee at district, township, ward and village-levels, civil society organizations and other officials.

Speaking on the occasion, Chairman of Central Census Commission Union Minister U Myint Kyaing highlighted the following points:

  • There will be over 14,000 collection plots in Ayeyarwady Region and more than 5,400 collectors will be tasked to collect data.
  • As 68 questions for household questionnaire and 18 questions for organization questionnaire are set to collect data by door to door system. Hence, people are required to figure out 2013 Population and Household Census Law.
  • The accurate and correct data is important as the data collected from the Census will be applied in formulating projects for the State’s socio-economic development.
  • People are urged to cooperate in the data collection process as it is a national process which will achieve success only when the people join the process.

The Union Minister and the Region Chief Minister arrived at Yadanar Tansaung Hall of No (1) Basic Education High School of Pathein and encouraged the lecture about questionnaire regarding the census at the district-level instructor course on census of Pathein District, it is reported.

Source: MWD (13-9-2022)

  • There will be over 14,000 collection plots in Ayeyarwady Region and more than 5,400 collectors will be tasked to collect data.
  • The accurate and correct data is important as the data collected from the Census will be applied in formulating projects for the State’s socio-economic development.
  • People are urged to cooperate in the data collection process as it is a national process which will achieve success only when the people join the process.


Tuesday, September 17, 2024 - 15:15
September, 2024