Regarding the news and rumours, circulating on social media about CBM raising US dollar rate, some foreign banks no longer accepting currency in/out of Myanmar, SAC Information Team Leader Maj-Gen Zaw Min Tun responds as follows –
- The Central Bank of Myanmar has set an exchange rate of K2,100 per dollar and there is no change in the fixed rate.
- Rumours have it some foreign banks are saying that they no longer accept money in/out of Myanmar. In practice, there is a regular operation.
- Plenty of attacks are directed at the financial system of Myanmar.
He urged the public and businesspersons not to believe such rumours. He also added that people can contact and ask the Central Bank directly.
Source: Myawady Daily Newspaper (1-4-2023)
- Regarding the news and rumours, circulating on social media about financial system of Myanmar, SAC Information Team Leader Maj-Gen Zaw Min said the Central Bank of Myanmar has set an exchange rate of K2,100 per dollar and there is no change in the fixed rate; Rumours have it some foreign banks are saying that they no longer accept money in/out of Myanmar; and in practice, there is a regular operation.
Monday, April 3, 2023 - 09:45
April, 2023