Grim Fate of NUG Terrorist Group

NUG is the illegal organization declared as a terrorist group by the State Administration Council-SAC as per the existing laws. Why NUG is regarded as the terrorist group? The simple answer is that they are brutally killing the innocent civilians on the course of terrorism they are upholding.

We all witness that the NUG group with the dogma of “everyone who differs from my attitude if my enemy” is committing the targeted killings of unarmed innocent civilians who are in their hit list by the cold-blood murderers of so-called PDFs. The primary reason of such acts is to provoke terror into the general public and the premediated plan of NUG group to achieve their political objective by using violent means.

The root causes leading to the current political unrests are the electoral frauds that occurred in 2020 general elections. The NLD party that cunningly cheated and frauded the votes in the election are committing the acts of terrorism applying the armed approach after forming the NUG group that comprised extremists of NLD party members, NLD party supporters without facing the legal consequences for their electoral frauds. In other words, they are materializing their policy of utter devastation of the State with the theme of ‘Spring Revolution’ under the arrangement of manipulators behind.

Reviewing their activities under the course NUG’s utter devastation, they are found out as follows –

  • Organizing PDF groups by exploiting apolitical youths and sending them to EAO areas to materialize their armed revolution.
  • Killings of innocent civilians daily who do not support them on the pretext of being ‘Informers/ dalans.
  • Burning down the villages that do not support them.
  • Threatening and killing civil servants under the name of Social Punishment.
  • Setting fire to schools, threating and killing teachers to attack against education sector towards the destruction of the future of the State.
  • Committing war crimes such as launching violent attacks against health sector such as conducting harassing attacks against COVID-19 control and treatment activities besides bombing attacks on ambulances.
  • Carry out activities together with some EAOs to disrupt the peace processes under implementation of the Tatmadaw.
  • Collecting donation money using various reasons and projects to illegally purchase weapons and ammunitions to carry out acts of terrorism under the name of spring revolution.
  • Making attempts to disintegrate the Tatmadaw as well as to disunite the people by creating fake news and disinformation.

The above-mentioned activities are the acts of terrorism committed by the aboveground and underground terrorists with the manipulation, encouragement and supports of NUG group. They are doing such activities taking advantage of the unaware moment of the security forces.

During a period from 1 February 2021 to 31 August 2022, the terrorists of so-called CRPH/NUG/PDF committed a total of 9,479 acts of terrorism such as terrorist attacks, bombing attacks and arsons at crowed public places across the country leaving 4,061 people in total dead (3,542 civilians and 519 security personnel) and 4,121 injured. A total of 268 schools and education offices were burnt down by the terrorists. Moreover, a total of 587 communication towers were also destroyed in their acts of vandalism.

The terrorists with the dogma of ‘everyone who differs from my attitude if my enemy’ brutally killed over three thousand innocent civilians including 48 teachers, 12 health staff, a nun, 82 children and 485 administrators after accusing them of ‘Informants/ dalans’. The evidence and other detailed information of such violent acts and have already been sent to international counter-terrorism organizations including United Nations.

The what actually happens and what we witness daily proved that whether the facts and figures are merely a propaganda or the reality. The unlawful violent acts such as killing innocent civilians so as to control them by fear, attacking the non-military targets at surprise, and threatening peaceful people via online social media are not possible to be denoted as the NUG’s area-dominance attempts. They are merely the acts of terrorism committed by the NUG group threatening the living condition of people and harassing the stability and peace of the State.

Despite the acts of terrorism committee by NUG and its stooges of PDFs, no part of the country falls under their control or administration. Any criminal can commit the crimes of murders and bombing attacks. As a significant instance, they cannot capture even a basic unit of the Tatmadaw deploying across the country.

There is not even a single base rather than the Headquarters of NUG and PDF in Myanmar and no office or department either. They can merely release ineffective statements and orders brazenly via online media. The individuals of so-called NUG members also dare not live or perform activities in public. Although the online fake news and disinformation depict a condition as if they have full support of people, in reality, we can see that the more NUG-affiliates and PDF terrorists have been arrested and taken action due to the cooperation of people who want peace and stability.

In fact, the locations related to health and education must be avoided and protected even in war time. In spite of that, NUG/PDFs are carrying out violent attacks on such locations and places. That are the evidence proving that they are obviously committing the war crimes and they continue such acts of violent extremism. Therefore, the State Administration Council declared the groups as terrorist groups and has conducted the counter-insurgency operations and counter-terrorism operations.

 In this regard, during the period from 1 February 2021 to 31 August 2022, 106 heavy weapons and 1,901 small arms, 4,938 hunting rifles/homemade/air-pressured guns, 388,028 of ammunitions, 12,231 bombs/mines were confiscated.

During the same period, there are a total of 15,096 opened cases under counter-terrorism law and 11,093 arrested suspects were taken actions. Regarding the riotous protests, there are a total of 15,419 cases and 28,112 arrested offenders were taken actions under Section 505-A of Penal Code.

At present, the whole country is stable and peaceful while counter-insurgency operations and counter-terrorism operations are being conducted in some townships of Sagaing and Magway regions and other areas of some EAOs that stooges of external elements by using minimum level of necessary force and action in line with international and domestic laws.

The Tatmadaw is now implementing the “People-Centred Security System”, therefore, it is found out that the terrorists continue targeted assassinations and extrajudicial killings of innocent civilians who do not support them. What they are doing are the acts of terrorism no country and law can tolerate.

Although the terrorist acts of NUG group are obviously undeniable, it is also observed that Special Advisory Council for Myanmar (SAC-M) organized and led by Yanghee Lee, the former UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Myanmar is encouraging and supporting NUG terrorist group using the financial assistance of Western bloc. The SAC-M is now making jokes by claiming that only 72 out of 330 townships, below the 50 percent of the entire territory of Myanmar are under the control of SAC government. In reality, the SAC-M is lobbying and swindling international financial assistance by lobbying the NUG and it is not even recognized by any individual or organization. The group stating themselves as an independent group of international experts is merely disseminating subversive fake news and disinformation through social media networks.

Such acts are the lobbying attempts in hurry to secure the recognition of fugitive Kyaw Moe Tun supporting NUG group at 77th session of the UN General Assembly. A person representing a country certainly requires the mandates to actually exercise the powers of executive, legislature, judiciary as well as the ownership of a territory. Therefore, it is ridiculous for a Myanmar citizen to see absolute difference between the reality on ground and what they are saying because the SAC-M is creating and disseminating misinformation as if over half of the country has already fallen under the control of NUG and moreover, the executive, legislature, education and health related elements has already been established so as to make the international community presume that the terrorist group NUG and its representative Kyaw Moe Tun represents Myanmar.

In fact, the information taken as references by the NUG/PDF terrorist groups and their lobbyists of international organization are just the fake news and disinformation spreading on online social networks. Such fake news and disinformation are just being applied to trick the international community.

Not only Myanmar people, but also international community know that the NUG group of terrorist fugitives on the run leaving Myanmar and surviving with the donation money are just organizing a virtual government in the air by holding meetings and releasing statements on Facebook. Nevertheless, some organizations of opportunists are just playing fool, using the NUG group, and abusing the stability and peace of Myanmar people for good measure in order to swindle money from international community.

In order to claim that over 50 percent of Myanmar territory is under their control, on the social networks, the NUG is highlighting the use of hit-and-run tactics on small sentry outposts; taking photos of frightening children under threats to prove they are opening schools and teaching children; and sneakily killing people and doing explosions to provoke terror into public. However, that move actually publicizes to the world that they are upholding and practicing the terrorism. For that reason, international community and organizations should pay serious attention to it because supporting such terrorists will definitely deteriorate the murders, violent acts and crimes and also increase the number of IDPs in Myanmar. Furthermore, it also required to take heed of the fact that majority of Myanmar nationals are disgusted by the NUG/PDFs.

To sum up, despite the nefarious attempts of disseminating propaganda using misinformation by the CRPH/NUG/PDF terrorists, their acts of terrorism on ground reality are the undeniable and strong evidence. Any country, organization or individual supporting the terrorists will be presumed as the terrorists in international arena.

To get the point, NUG is certainly an organization like NCGUB, that once emerged in following years of 1988, formed virtually in the air and disappeared in the air. However, the history pages of NLD party and their ordinary party members was stained with dirty spots as the result of the terrorist acts committed by the NUG. I here would like to denote the grim fate of NUG stating that NUG/PDFs are now facing the hatreds of people for their acts of terrorism and will soon face the neglect and actions of other world countries for good measure.

Min Khant


Monday, September 19, 2022 - 13:00
September, 2022